Women and men obviously have different goals when working out. I have always seen my dad, cousin and guy friends devoutly drinking protein post-workout in order to replenish their muscles and fuel up. The thought of drinking protein shakes was off-putting at first because I feared gaining any muscle mass and looking too "toned".
However, from a biological stand point, it is actually very difficult for women to bulk up to the point of looking really muscular. In order for that to happen there has to be an addition of extra supplements. After working out your muscles have tiny tears and breaks in them and need amino acids to repair and replenish the muscles for growth and recovery. As muscles grow they become leaner and more dense, this is the key to prime physical health. The best way to do this is through a source of complete protein that contains essential amino-acids. Of course, most have heard of the difference between complete and non-complete proteins. Our bodies require complete proteins as we do not produce essential amino acids.
I personally drink whey protein, which is a byproduct of dairy. It contains lactose (the good kind of sugar) and in isolate form, meaning it is easily digested by the body. Also I add l-glutamine to my shakes as this helps with protein synthesis, cell hydration and is overall great for intestinal health.
Protein shakes weren't around in cavemen days so no, they are not paleo. And whey is a dairy product so it's not vegan. But regardless, I feel it's important to feed the muscles post-workout so I consider this an integral part of my day. I don't know why, but after an intense work out I always crave something sweet and fruity and a protein shake is a really good way to wind down and relax. Plus cooking some chicken while I am soaked in sweat and exhausted is the last thing I want to do!
images : Pinterest, GNC
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