Yes that's exactly what I am doing. I am not a yoga teacher or nutritionist or doctor. I have never run a triathlon or a marathon or even a 5k. I have no formal education in science or biology or nutrition. But before you go running for the hills, let me just clarify my reasoning for starting up this little blog. Commence flashblack...
I grew up in a very health-conscious family. We ate a Mediterranean diet, bought organic and exercised daily. But I never really thought about the importance of what I was putting into/on my body. I had played competitive tennis almost my entire life, up until I started college.
I became enthralled with yoga a few years ago, which I would say is the beginning of my health journey. It opened up my eyes to a lot of new ideas and philosophies. After experiencing first hand the benefits of meditation I began looking into Eastern philosophies and eventually holistic health. I was fascinated by ayurvedic medicine, essential oils and the idea of preventive care.
As I started developing a deeper love of yoga and eventually running, (then hiking, strength training, SUPing, and Cross Fit) I began really focusing on what nutritional benefits food was giving me, where it came from, and its effects on me, and the environment. It became important to me to maximize my health and at the same time reduce my impact on the Earth. Health and fitness blogs eventually lead me to paleo, which just made so much sense to me. So I took an ancestral, natural approach to my life.
I used to look at fashion blogs, magazines, and do a lot of online shopping. Now I find myself gravitating towards health and fitness blogs. (The online shopping hasn't gone away though, I just look at work out clothes more often!) I really love learning about this stuff and evolving and changing for the better every day. If this is nothing more than a record for me to keep track of all the information I learn, new recipes I try and love or spiritual realizations then that's okay with me. But I would love to expand my knowledge of health through other bloggers and readers, be a part of this community, and hopefully give some knowledge to you guys. So that's why this uneducated, unqualified, over-ambitious nobody is going to blog about health!
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